Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When You're Doing It All Right

Hello all! Well, this has been a learning process for sure. I lost 35 pounds 4 years ago this month and have done quite well at keeping it off thanks to Weight Watchers! But I find myself here lately in new territory I am not familiar with nor do I know the best way to approach it. That is why I have created this blog....as a reminder. I need constant reminders that sometimes you really can be doing it all right and still be stuck and there is nothing wrong with you or what you're doing....that's just the way it is.

So what is this new territory you may ask? Well, let's just call it "life" as everyone always does. I experienced "life" a little less than a year ago- lots of anxieties greeted me each and every day for a good while. And well, while I'd like to tell you that I handled it all very well, it turns out, my stress eating habit came back to haunt me and I put on about 5 pounds in the process. Not a real huge deal considering I am still in my healthy BMI and not necessarily unhappy, but as everyone does, I still tend to get caught up in that stupid scale number....errrr, it's a work in progress. I feel hopeful that one day I won't care so much about that number and be happy with how I feel. Not quite there yet.

So here we are almost a year later and STILL 5 pounds heavier. Funny thing is, it didn't really start to bother me until recently. I got back in weight loss mode- YAY ME! Weight Watchers released a new AWESOME program in December and I got on board all the way. Being that I work for them, I got the nice scoop on the PointsPlus program back in September. I did well for the 3 months I tried it out in secret. I tracked faithfully, I exercised, my choices were better than ever. I lost the 5 pounds. I was happy. And then what happens....LIFE again and well, here are those 5 pounds again. Work has been more than crazy busy since December (when the new program launched) and so the desire to take off the 5 pounds just was not there....until recently. I have been overly determined for the last month to get off this weight! I have exercised more than ever; I am tracking, eating right and well...I lose some here and there but overall, in 4 weeks, I am feeling quite stuck. The most stuck I have ever felt in my weight loss life. While it would be easy to get discouraged, I find myself more determined. I examine weekly what I could've done better etc. and I am always faithfully attending my WW meeting each Wednesday and weighing in. And well here is what I conclude- sometimes you really are doing it all right and your body just likes to sit right where it is. But I do know this. I am happy with my successes and that is all I will focus on until this weight decides to budge. Join me for an exciting journey as I persevere and offer some insights as to why every ounce counts even if it's the small non-scale victories!

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